Have you ever felt like the world is bleak, negative, and hopeless? You may think that this is just how the world is or that you have bad luck. However, your mood plays a huge role in how you perceive reality. When you take the important step to begin online therapy, you’ll finally be able to explore why your mood may be leading you to negative interpretations of reality, and what you can do to change that.
Your interpretations of reality are affected by your expectations and mood, however. When you are in a grim mood, most things will look bleak. Too much of this inner reflection will give you a warped sense of yourself. Your sense of identity, or what makes you different or special, gets absorbed in your depressed mood as you dwell on your worries and troubles.
The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression
Your mood affects how you see the world: Have you ever noticed how when you’re in a good mood, the world seems brighter? You may notice the flowers blossoming, the birds singing, and the people around you seem friendlier. The same goes for when you’re in a bad mood, everything seems worse than it actually is. You may notice the flaws in everything, and people may seem hostile or unfriendly. This is because your mood affects how you perceive reality.
Expectations and reality: Another reason why your mood may be leading you to negative interpretations of reality is your expectations. If your expectations are way too high, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. And when you’re disappointed, you’re more likely to have a negative outlook on life. Similarly, if you have unrealistic expectations of others, you may interpret their behavior in a negative way, leading to misunderstandings and conflict.
Overthinking and rumination: When you’re in a negative mood, you may tend to overthink and ruminate about your problems. This kind of self-reflection can be helpful in some situations, but when you’re in a negative mood, it can lead to a warped sense of reality. Too much focus on your troubles can make you forget the good things in life. Moreover, if you’re always thinking about the bad things that happened to you in the past or that could happen to you in the future, you may overlook the good things that are happening right now.
Absorbing your mood: Finally, when you’re in a negative mood, you may feel like your identity is absorbed in that mood. It’s like you forget who you are and what makes you special. You may feel worthless, hopeless, or helpless. This can be a dangerous cycle because the more you dwell on your depressed mood, the more it’s reinforced and the more you identify with it.
Your mood plays a significant role in how you interpret reality. The next time you feel like the world is against you, take a step back and check your mood. Are you in a negative mindset? Are your expectations realistic? Are you ruminating over your problems? Remember, your happiness is a result of your thoughts, actions, and mindset. By changing your mood and mindset, you can change the way you perceive reality, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.